ペンハリガン人気香水がミニサイズに!10種の香りが楽しめる大阪限定「フレグランス ライブラリー」 - ファッションプレス


Hey I’m RIO. I am going to write about what I’m really into recently, which is perfume. I’m so fascinated by it. I think most people use only 1 fragrance or maybe don’t use it at all. But I own more than 10 perfumes so that I could use it depending on my feelings and how I dressed or the weather.  I will explain the basic knowledge about perfume. First we call it perfume but there are a lot of varieties. If the ingredient of the perfume are opposed to alcohol the strong will be strong and last longer. “Perfum” is the most strong one and last very long. The percentage of the ingredients’ concentration is around 20 to 30 percent. Next is “Eau de Parfum” (EDP). This one will normally lasts around 5 hours and the concentration of ingredients is 15 to 20 percent. The third is “Eau de Toilet”(EDT). This type will last about 3 to 4 hours and the concentration will be 5 to 15 percent. EDT is  easy to use for daily life because the cost is not that high and not that strong as compared to EDP. Lastly “Eau de Cologne” (EDC). This type’s concentration is 2 to 4 percent, which is pretty low. and last for about 2 hours.Fragrance Notes: Everything You Need to Know – FragranceX.com







Fragrance is separated with 3 notes and each will smell different. Starting with the top, moving onto the heart, and lastly settling with the base notes. The scent when you smell it first is called “top note”. This smell will last for about 15 to 30 minutes but it depends on the concentration of your perfumes.Then next scent you will smell is the essence of the fragrance, which is called “heart note”. This part will last about 3 hours. And before the scent disappear completely you will smell differently a little, which is known as “last note”.

Fragrance has many categories Floral, Fresh, Woody, Oriental and so on. The most common type of smell is floral and the most common flower which is used in perfumes is roses and jasmine. It is indeed the most romantic girly scent to spritz on. Fresh fragrance includes fruits especially citrus fruits like lemon, orange, grapefruits. And also includes leaves, moss and herbs. This type can use as unisex. Next is oriental. This type of fragrance’s base is vanilla and some sorts of ingredients such as patchouli and vetiver. Oriental scent is sourced from the east so it contains a exotic aura. Lastly woody scent, which is my favorite type. Using oaks, woods, musk, tobacco and leather. These kind of smell is very mature and also sexy that make me more confident than ever.

Of course perfume’s crucial point is the scent but also the design of the bottle is amusing. I put my fragrances on the shelve and when I just look at these I can relax. Here is the photo of my shelve. It has been cold recently so I put warm and sweet scent like vanilla and musk. It’s a lot fun to go outside and look for the new smell that I like. If you want to buy something please ask me and let’s find your favorite!!



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