Have you ever taken a sauna? Sauna is one of the steam baths, that originated in Finland. Taking a few minutes of hot air bathing at about 80 to 100 degrees can provide various health benefits such as relieving fatigue and stress, and promoting blood circulation. A typical sauna has tiered benches, with the higher the bench, the higher the temperature, and the lower the bench, the lower the temperature. Depending on the setting, the temperature in the lower tier is around 70 degrees, and in the upper tier, the temperature is around 100 degrees. Recently, it has been popular in Japan. So, I would like to introduce three steps to taking a sauna.

1. Enter the sauna

First, drink water before taking a sauna because your body loses a lot of water through sweating. Then, take a sauna for 6 to 12 minutes. In the sauna room, there is a clock that runs for twelve minutes in a circle. It is important to keep your body warm and not to overdo it according to your condition.

2. Take a cold bath

Then, When you get out of the sauna room, take a cold bath for about two minutes. By taking a water bath, you can shrink your blood vessels and create relaxation.

3. Take an air bath

Finally, Take an air bath for about 10minutes. Bathing in the open air is actually the most important process. By resting your body, you will be relaxed. This condition is called 「ととのう」in Japanese. By being this, there are several good effects.

・Being beautiful skin.

・Improves blood circulation.

・Relieves stress.

・Improves metabolism, making it easier to lose weight.

There are a lot of good points to taking a sauna if you follow these steps. And today, the sauna boom is coming. I recommend it!!


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