I’m writing this post on the way back to my hometown Hiroshima. I’m on the Shinkansen and it takes 4 hours to get there from Tokyo.

Hiroshima is one of the most popular and famous places for foreigner to visit. Many of them visit peace memorial park and Itsukushima shrine. However Hiroshima is not the place that young Japanese people want to travel. So I would like to give you some information which might make you interested in visiting there.

The place that I can recommend you to go is Miyajima. Miyajima is a small island where the Itsukushima shrine is located. I really like the place because of the food, nature and creatures. If you go there, you can eat many tasty foods such as fried Momiji, oysters and so on.

You can enjoy the nature such as maple tree there eating Agemomiji. MIyajima is surrounded by  both mountain and the ocean and have a rich natural environment.

Also, there are many deer and they are very friendly. But you have to be careful because they eat anything you hold in your hands, even the map.

There is a aquarium so that you can even see many kinds of fish.

I think Miyajima is a nice place to visit in any season,  and you can enjoy different scenery of each season.



2 thoughts on “The place for a nice sightseeing

  1. I have been to Miyajima before. I like the place so much! The raw oysters I ate there were so good! But I was a little bit scared of deers…cause i had heared they ate tourist’s guide books…

    1. I have been to Hiroshima once. I remember the Shrine was so beautiful and I was amazed at the divinity at the same time. I have never heard of Agemomiji. How does it taste like? Is it leafy?? Btw enjoy your coming-of-age cermony there:)

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