I found an interesting video on Youtube.

This video shows how the english language sounds to non english speakers. Please watch the video clipped below:

If you are an english speaker or are studying it, you cannot know how english sounds to people who do not understand it.

Brian Fairbairn and Karl Eccleston decided to make a video of “fake english” .

The actors are not actually speaking in english, but made up words that sound like it.

When I first watched this video, it felt very weird to listen to their conversation, but it gradually became agreeable that this might be how I felt when I listened to english speakers before I acquired the language.

I think that this topic is related to linguistics, which is one of our courses in our department. It would be interesting we can make a Japanese version!


by snk816

3 thoughts on “How English Sounds to Non English Speakers

  1. The content is incomprehensible, but it perfectly does sound English to me!!
    This is just like when I hear languages like French or German.

  2. This is very interesting since I have been speaking English since I was a child and I have understood everything people talk in English. However, when people do not understand English, I understand that it must sound like this, since it is the same whenever people speak to me in Spanish. I only can understand some of the words they speak and can only pick up the Spanish intonation. It is very interesting how people understand multiple languages and use it at the same time.

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